ChinaJoy is Attracting More and More Attention from the World
The 4-days ChinaJoy 2010 has come to an end. This year’s ChinaJoy has attracted 169108 visitors in total. After the event, many visitors aired their opinion on their blogs, which include Steve Bell, partner of Trilogy VC. Now let’s see what he said. (The content below was extracted from Trilogy VC Blog, please see the full text at: “So I visited ChinaJoy – the big annual online game conference in Shanghai – last week 29 July till 1 August. I had a few take aways from my experience at ChinaJoy this year…
Here is a bit of my story from my day at ChinaJoy. When I arrived on Friday AM 30 July – Huge line to get tickets… Only to find a new line – the get in the door line – I found no way around it – it was only about 37 degC – If anyone doubts the HUGE size of and future growth of the China online game business – look at this line – all people under 25 years it seemed (except me) – and many thousands… I’ll be back next year!” “China’s game industry attracted more and more attention from global enterprises,” Mr. Yunpeng Tan, spokesman of ChinaJoy said, ”We believe that if they come to China and visit ChinaJoy in-person, they can feel China’s blooming game market and certainly will be shocked by it.” This year’s ChinaJoy has passed, let’s expect a grander ChinaJoy in 2011! About ChinaJoy: Contacts |
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