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Posted 11 year(s) ago by Madeline Masters
Category: General Blog
2207 views, 0 comments
 After months of hard work, we've finally reached the finish line -- The Cold War Era officially goes on sale Monday, May 13...
Posted 11 year(s) ago by Madeline Masters
Category: General Blog
1988 views, 0 comments
This weekend we're offering free temporary copies of   The Cold War Era , a P2P RTS, to journalists, bloggers, developers and membe...
Posted 11 year(s) ago by Madeline Masters
Category: General Blog
1989 views, 0 comments
Our company's founder and the lead developer on our game, The Cold War Era, wrote this message to share with everyone. It is truly a sto...
Posted 11 year(s) ago by Madeline Masters
Category: General Blog
2174 views, 0 comments
 Our Donation Campaign is officially taking preorders for The Cold War Era -- what an exciting time!  We announced our Dona...
Posted 11 year(s) ago by Madeline Masters
Category: General Blog
1940 views, 4 comments
When you're developing a game, releasing your first gameplay video is a pretty exciting event. It's the first time others can see insi...
Posted 11 year(s) ago by Madeline Masters
Category: General Blog
2067 views, 0 comments
 Closed Beta for The Cold War Era Grand Strategy Game March 29-31 The beta version of The Cold War Era is ready for head-to-head m...
Posted 11 year(s) ago by Ovidiu Aidan Manciu
Category: General Blog
2775 views, 0 comments
Eastern Europe. A land terrorized by blood sucking undead and shady politicians. A land forgotten by time, where old men wearing colored...
Posted 11 year(s) ago by Martin Toney
Category: Opinion Feature
1934 views, 0 comments
Pirates, pirates everywhere. It would seem that nowadays, you can't turn around without bumping into some form of internet sea sailing ...
Posted 11 year(s) ago by Martin Toney
Category: Opinion Feature
2202 views, 0 comments
 Slender. God-damn Slender. When I first heard of this game I was so very intrigued, then horrified. I frigging well love the Survi...
Posted 11 year(s) ago by Gavin Divers
Category: General Blog
1929 views, 2 comments
 XBLGamerhub is a community of passionate dedicated gamers who together have created the most rapidly expanding Xbox community on...