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Created 14 year(s) ago by Tom Gameleon
20 votes, 8 comments, 1381 total views
Created 14 year(s) ago by Andrew M
6 votes, 2 comments, 1118 total views
Do you prefer screenshots online, or in print, or don't have a pref...
Created 14 year(s) ago by Tom Gameleon
22 votes, 10 comments, 1016 total views
Created 14 year(s) ago by Tom Gameleon
10 votes, 1 comments, 1173 total views
If you already know the games you are going to review this year, feel fr...
Created 14 year(s) ago by Tom Gameleon
22 votes, 11 comments, 1039 total views
Created 14 year(s) ago by Bregt Colpaert
3 votes, 3 comments, 721 total views
Created 14 year(s) ago by Tom Gameleon
14 votes, 4 comments, 1024 total views
Created 14 year(s) ago by Tom Gameleon
12 votes, 1 comments, 732 total views
Created 14 year(s) ago by Tom Gameleon
14 votes, 8 comments, 899 total views
Created 14 year(s) ago by James Joell-Ireland
0 votes, 0 comments, 862 total views
GameFace has been running on Bravo for around 6 weeks now and 6 weeks in...