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50+ investors expected at Game Connection Europe 2010. 20 high potential games
companies showcased. Application deadline for candidates October 13th
LYON, FRANCE—SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 – Pierre Carde, Managing Director of Game Connection, today
announced Game Connection Invest Initiative scheduled at this year’s Game Connection Europe (November 15th-
18th, 2010). This program will bring together investors and game companies (developers, publishers, tools
providers...) which seek funding. Among the 150+ companies exhibiting at Game Connection, 20 will be
preselected on their growth potential and will receive an extra boost including a promotional support and a pitching
session toward investors and venture capitalists expected in Lyon to meet potential targets.
Candidates are invited to submit applications by October 13th.
Investment is key for the future of the Game Industry
Pierre Carde comments, “In a shifting market, companies are today reconsidering their approach toward financing,
especially when it comes to online game services. Investors are very keen on supporting high potential companies
considering the recent acquisition trend, especially in social gaming, but not only. The game industry has never
been as attractive as today for venture capitalists. This is excellent feedback we've had this year from the
investment community.”
Tomorrow’s leading companies : The next Zynga or the next Unity...
“This is a great opportunity for solid studios, indie publishers and technology providers to pitch their companies to
global investors with an interest in the gaming sector. Game Connection Invest will allow investors to look straight
into the eyes of tomorrow’s champions who will obtain the financial support they need,” said Eve Lee-Pligersdorffer
of LD&A, a Paris-based M&A advisory specialized in high tech, high growth SMEs.
Applicants must submit an application very similar to an executive summary. The Game Connection Invest
Committee will review application with a specific interest in the growth potential.
All submissions will remain confidential.
Applications to the Game Connection Invest Initiative require registration as an exhibitor for Game Connection, at
least for one day.
All exhibitors at Game Connection will get a chance to meet investors as well as the publishers and distributors.
For more information about Game Connection Invest and Game Connection Europe, visit www.gameconnection.
# # #
For European media inquiries, please contact the videogames marketing agency Cosmocover at
For US media inquiries, contact Doug Mealy, Online Marketing and Public Relations, at
For sales inquiries, contact at Game Connection
About Game Connection:
Game Connection Europe is back with its 10th edition in Lyon, France, November 16th to 18th, 2010 and
announces 4 additional featured events. The leading games-business event offers a variety of events besides the
trade show including Game Connection Invest where companies pitch investors to raise funds and Master Classes
for professional developers interested in learning the latest techniques from peer experts.
For more information, visit
Game Connection is an event produced by Connection Events, creator of opportunities, resources and results in
the Video Game Industry. Taking place in Lyon (France) and San Francisco (California, USA), Game Connection
stands out as an efficient business meeting solution with: matchmaking events between service providers,
developers, publishers and distributors; network building and business enhancement.
About LD&A
Lorentz, Deschamps & Associés, a leading Corporate Finance boutique for high growth new energy and high-tech
SMEs, was founded in 2004 by Francis Lorentz and Marc Deschamps. The company has offices in Paris, London
and Brussels and an international network of partners, including investment and venture capital funds, banks,
technical experts, and human resource specialists. Along with its partners Jupiter Capital Partners in Munich and
Pagemill Partners in Palo Alto, LD&A creates and implements financial solutions and transactions (fund raisings,
mergers, acquisitions, exits) for the growth and valuation of innovative companies in the Telecoms, Internet, IT,
digital media and cleantech sectors.
About Connection Events:
Connection Events specializes in designing services geared towards Video Game Industry professionals - from
online solution for business meetings, hosting industry leading business event to providing experts training
sessions and online resources. Connection Events creates opportunities for international development and is
supported by a network of high-profile market players from every segment of the production pipeline. Connection
Event's flagship services include Game Connection and Game Connection Master Classes.

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