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CGDC Announces Another Graphic Expert as Speaker
Recently, CGDC Organizing Committee announced another graphic expert as speaker: Tianyun Ni. CGDC Organizing Committee proclaims that the graphic performance does not decide the success of a game, however, it is a very important element for a product, the senior graphic processing expert is also member of jury duty of SIGGRAPH and other technical conferences, we believe that her speech will initiate a breakthrough to the development of graphic technology in the game industry.

Dr. Tianyun Ni

Topic: “DirectX11 and Tessellation Tutorial”

Content Summary?

This talk provides a comprehensive overview of Direct3D11 tessellation technology and a comparison between various tessellation schemes. It demonstrates how to leverage Direct3D11 tessellation to take your games to the next level. Concepts are introduced progressively and illustrated with step-by-step walkthroughs, including examples of shader code and live demos. It also addresses crucial practical issues, such as watertight evaluation and displacement mapping, creases and corners, LOD (tessellation factors) computation, and how to minimize artifacts caused by tessellation patterns. Finally and most importantly, we will present a few breathtaking practical examples and demonstrate how these advanced techniques have been adopted into gaming source engines.

Introduction to Speaker:

Dr. Tianyun Ni is a senior 3D Graphics Engineer/Researcher on NVIDIA’s Developer Technology team. She obtained her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Florida, where her adviser was Jorg Peters. She has published a number of papers on a variety of topics and regularly speaks at graphics and game development conferences around the world (such as SIGGRAPH, GDC, etc.). She also serves as jury member for SIGGRAPH on program committees. Her most recent work involves finding applications for Direct3D 11 and developing advanced technologies to harness the computing power of next-generation GPUs.

Howell specially reminds that you can:

1. Save 10% by advance online registration before June 10th, 2010.

2. Save 5% by purchasing Group Tickets (15 or above), or exhibitor tickets/sponsor tickets/consultant tickets

3. Get a 10 % Discount at the Maximum when the 2 conditions above or more are met.

The deadline of online pre-order is estimated to be July 9th, 2010, no discounts offered for on-site purchase, please make the appropriate choice.

The eye-catching global event of World Expo 2010 is being held in Shanghai, which attracts the presence of guests from all around the world. The General Assembly of China Game Business Conference (CGBC), China Game Developers Conference (CGDC) and the China Game Outsourcing Conference (CGOC) will be launched from July, 28th to Aug, 1st at the Shanghai International Convention Center, it is certain that these events will bring about worldwide participation within the gaming industry, therefore to promote and enhance the function of the platform as the “communication center” for the technology &business activities between China and the other countries.

About CGDC

China Game Developers Conference (CGDC) is one of the world’s leading game development conferences. Each year, CGDC attracts over 3,000 professionals in the game development field to attend and learn. Over 70 global top-notch game designers and developers deliver speeches there and share their experience in the 3-day event.

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