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Miracle of China’s Social Game Industry: National Campaign Triggered by Game on Farm

In China, there is a game that brings active players 2 times more than World of Warcraft, can you believe that?

In China, there is a game that attracts users aging from 6 to 80, can you believe that?

This miracle truly happened in China, where numerous school pupils as well as retired seniors are having a field day on the farm, a SG (social game) named Happy Farm. Land exploiting, seeding or picking fruits, all these make up the whole picture.

Turning a game into a cultural phenomenon, this is what the Chinese SG industry worked its way in 2009.

Happy Farm not only brings a 33.7% increase of active accounts with the name of “QQ Farm” to Tencent’s Q-zone within only three months, it also brings a profit of as much as 500 thousand USD to its developer named Five-Minutes. This sets an example featuring a win-win situation between SNS and SG.

Hugh de Loayza, vice president of business expanding dept. of Zynga


After attending CGBC 2009 and its Social Game Forum, Hugh de Loayza, vice president of business expanding dept. of Zynga, the biggest SG developer in the world, is quoted as saying surprisingly that in America, he has never dreamed of China’s social game booming.

Yang Danning, CEO of said in his exclusive interview with Sina Technology during CGBC 2009’s SNS & SG Forum, “As the third biggest pseudo-name virtual community, we copied the major business model of QQ and (respectively the first and the second biggest).” He also expressed his optimism towards the development of this industry in China, for users in China have already gotten into the habit of getting the operators paid, and this may be superior to its overseas counterparts.

Xu Cheng, COO of Five-Minutes who created the game named “Happy Farm”, also took pride in the amount of Happy Farm’s active users in the forum. According to him, the number of the game’s users reached to as many as that of the population in Shanghai, three times of the daily users of World of Warcraft.

Wu Wenzhao, vice president of Analysys International, predicted in an exclusive interview during the forum that there will be 300-400 million SNS users in China within ten years, and synergistic effect will happen between SNS and SG, this is sure to greatly enlarge the potential market.

Professional audiences in SNS & Social Game Development Forum 2009.

The 8th CGBC will be held in Shanghai International Convention Center from 28th of July to 1st of August in 2010. It will continue to strengthen its aims and ideas of industrial integrating, branding, intercrossing fields, professionalizing and business guiding in an effort to serve another grand banquet to the games industry. By far, leading professionals from both the SG developers and SNS community operators such as Liu Jian, COO of Oak Pacific Interactive, Pang Dongsheng, board director and CEO of, Sean Phinney, business expanding VP of Playdom, Liu Yong, founder and CEO of and Shen Jia, founder and CTO of Rockyou! have been invited to attend the conference. All of them are to make a great plan for the future development of SNS and SG.

About CGBC:

China Game Business Conference (CGBC) is organized by the Organizing Committee of ChinaJoy, which is one of the serial events of the biggest game show in the world. CGBC is the biggest size and highest standard business event in Chinese game industry, held in every July, in Shanghai International Convention Center. With 7 years steady growth of CGBC, the forums have been various and flourish, the brand and communication atmosphere have been constructive and positive. CGBC has been a platform for communication, mutual study, experience exchange, corporation enhancing in Chinese game industry. The upcoming CGBC 2010, will continually enlarge its coverage and size, topics and delegate pool, including: the Summit Forum, the SNS & Social Game Forum, the Investment & Financing Forum, the Media Marketing Forum, the International Cooperation Forum, the Webgame Forum, the In-game Advertising Forum, the Mobile Internet Entertainment Forum, the Serious Game Forum.

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